PUBLIC NOTICE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1-& 6- YEAR PLAN HEARING SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2024 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING TAX LEVY HEARING Notice is hereby given that a 1- & 6- Year Road and Street Plan for the …


PUBLIC NOTICE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1-& 6- YEAR PLAN HEARING SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2024 IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING TAX LEVY HEARING Notice is hereby given that a 1- & 6- Year Road and Street Plan for the Village of Arlington, Nebraska as required by NEB. REV. STAT. Sec. 39-2119 et. Seq. R.R.S. has been recommended for approval by the Chairman and Village Board of Trustees, and that a public hearing will be held regarding said 1- & 6- Year Road and Street Plan on Monday, September 16th, 2024, immediately following the tax levy hearing. The agenda, which is kept current, is on file at the office of the Village Clerk and is open for inspection by the public. Meetings are open to the public via Zoom. Instructions on how to access the meeting are as follows: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 835 373 7799 Join by phone: +1 312 626 6799 You can call the Village Hall and request an email invitation sent to you. (402) 478-4212 Kate Robertson Village Clerk ZNEZ AC 09-06-24