Board of Education Regular Meeting Monday, June 10, 2024 7:00 PM Central HS CONFERENCE ROOM 705 N 9th Street Arlington, NE 68002 1. OPENING PROCEDURES 1.1. Call Meeting to Order Chase Kratochvil …


Board of Education Regular Meeting Monday, June 10, 2024 7:00 PM Central HS CONFERENCE ROOM 705 N 9th Street Arlington, NE 68002 1. OPENING PROCEDURES 1.1. Call Meeting to Order Chase Kratochvil called the meeting to order at 7:00pm 1.2. Roll Call Jason Arp: Present, Cassie Flesner: Present, Chase Kratochvil: Present, Brian Laaker: Present, Matt O’Daniel: Present, Shanon Willmott: Present Also Present were Aaron Pfingsten, Jacque Morgan, James Shada, Dawn Lewis and Jennifer Arp 1.3. Pledge of Allegiance 1.4. Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda Motion to approve the regular meeting agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Matt O'Daniel and a second by Jason Arp. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea 2. WELCOME TO GUESTS AND PUBLIC FORUM 3. CONSENT AGENDA Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Chase Kratochvil and a second by Cassie Flesner. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea 3.1. Minutes of the Previous Board Meeting(s) 3.2. Monthly Financial Reports 3.3. Resignations: Hires: Laura Thiesen-Long Term Sub 1st Grade Kevin Kraus, Elementary Guidance Counselor 4. REVIEW OF ANNUAL DISTRICT PLAN Dr. Lewis reviewed the board's annual plan- going over all the updated all that has been accomplished since the last review. 5. PRINCIPALS REPORTS 5.1. Dr. Morgan's Elementary Report 5.2. Mr. Pfingsten's Secondary Report 5.3. Mr. Shada's Activity Report 6. SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT 6.1. Review Supt Leave Log 2023-2024 6.2. July Board Meeting Reminder 6.3. NRCSA and NASB Updates 7. COMMITTEE AND REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS 7.1. Buildings and Grounds Committee Met Prior to the Board Meeting This evening *Video Board Advertising *Next Steps with DLR Buildings and grounds met on 6/10/24 just before the board meeting. Discussed the booster club and how to keep their advertising visible at all times during all sports events. Discussed putting smaller banners up with Booster sponsors somewhere other than in gym. Compromise will be to make sure that Board works with the Booster club to come up with a solution and what it looks like to keep the advertising visible in a good location. DLR is working on coming up with what things will look like for the next steps for any additions or renovations for the school, such as AG rooms, welding and wood shop facility renovations, and wrestling room. DLR wants to work with the board to come up with possibilities for what will be next. 7.2. Activities Coop Ad Hoc Will meet later this week This committee will meet later this week and will have preliminary policy to present and go over data from other school districts. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8.1. Discuss and Consider Policy Updates as Required by Legislation on Second Reading 5101-Student Discipline 1050 -Access to Records 8346 -Public Participation at Board Meetings 3130 -Purchasing Policies 8342-Designated Method of Giving Notice 5201-Promotion and Retention 3140 - Contracting for Services 8240 - Membership in School Board Associations 6700 - Firearms 5008 -Attendance 5006- Option Enrollment 4141- Teacher Training 5205 - Graduation 6111 - Classroom Environment 3571 - Meal Charge Policy Motion to Adopt Policy Updates as Presented and Reviewed on Second Reading Passed with a motion by Chase Kratochvil and a second by Matt O'Daniel. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea 9. NEW BUSINESS 9.1. Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action to Approve Early Graduation Application Mr. Pfingsten went over the policy for early graduation. A student who is asking to graduate at mid-term in the 2024-2025 school year. Student will have met all the requirements for early graduation at mid-term. Motion to approve Early Graduation Application for student as presented Passed with a motion by Matt O'Daniel and a second by Jason Arp. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea 9.2. Approve Audit Engagement Letter with Shaw Hull Navarrette CPA for the 2023-2024 fiscal year audit Motion to table the Audit Engagement Letter with Shaw Hull Navarrette CPA for the 2023-2024 fiscal year audit to the July Board meeting Passed with a motion by Chase Kratochvil and a second by Cassie Flesner. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea 9.3. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Accept Resignations and Release the Following Teachers from 2024-2025 Contract: Elizabeth Fedde and Chelsea Kwapnioski Board discussed the policies and what affect it will have on the school. The board feels that opportunities do come late and hope that we can find suitable applicants to fill the positions, but they would like to make sure we are not making it easy or an option to be released from signed contracts. The board also argued that they did not want staff being made to stay in a contract that they do not want to be in anymore, as they don't want to have teachers working that don't want to be here Motion to approve and Accept Resignations and Release Elizabeth Fedde and Chelsea Kwapnioski from 2024-2025 Contract as presented: Passed with a motion by Chase Kratochvil and a second by Shanon Willmott. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea. 9.4. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Release Staff from Two (2) 2023-2024 Contract Days due to Inclement Weather Dr. Lewis went over the last week of school and that while there was no way to make up the two missed days in the last week of school due to inclement weather and power outage. So the contract year will only be 184 days and not 186 as noted in the contracts. Motion to release staff from two contract days required of the 2023-2024 master contract due to inclement weather Passed with a motion by Matt O'Daniel and a second by Cassie Flesner. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea 9.5. Discuss, Consider and Adopt Board Resolution to Approve Staff Trainings for 2024-2025 as Required by LB1329 LB1329 says that you no longer have to track 10 hours of professional development that the board just has to approve and determine what is the appropriate amount of time for professional development, staff training. Must still be compliant with Rule 10 and state statues. Motion to adopt resolution on 2024-2025 APS staff trainings as presented Passed with a motion by Cassie Flesner and a second by Matt O'Daniel. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea 9.6. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Rescind Policy 6310 - Textbook Loan due to Updated Nebraska Department of Education Regulations Motion to Rescind Policy 6310 - Textbook Loan as Discussed Passed with a motion by Matt O'Daniel and a second by Brian Laaker. Jason Arp: Yea, Cassie Flesner: Yea, Chase Kratochvil: Yea, Brian Laaker: Yea, Matt O'Daniel: Yea, Shanon Willmott: Yea School district is no longer involved in the textbook loan program as the state took over the program and the school is no longer need to be the middle man as it is not needed. 10. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 8:11pm by Chase Kratochvil. Chase Kratochvil, Board President Dawn Lewis, Board Secretary CHECK REGISTER FOR May 2024; (Includes special fund checks) PAYEE NAME; DESCRIPTION; AMOUNT; American Broadband; Telephone service; $486.19; Airgas; Welding gas tank rental & welding course material; $262.34; Arbor Family Counseling; Contracted services; $2,625.00; Arlington Hot Lunch; Snacks for testing; $1,003.44; Kali Agler; reimburse for Perkins mileage to conference; $235.86; Angela Dansie; SPED Math Curriculum download; $169.00; Alpha Pro Solutions; Alcohol testing devices; $115.75; All American sports; Football helmets; $2,796.20; American Lift and Sign; Reinstall old scoreboards in old gym; $600.00; Blue Door Pediatric Therapy; May Services; $2,004.75; Bomgaars; supplies for bus barn; $51.00; Bureau of Education and Research; Title 2A funds for St Paul; $1,368.00; Cash; For postage- petty cash in district office; $131.39; Martin Clausen (Chem Tech); Pest Control; $92.64; Capital One (Walmart); supplies; $71.24; Countryside Repair; Snow removal & lawn mower tire repair; $75.32; Dennis Supply; Air filters; $1,208.96; Dietze Music; Music for band and vocal; $167.20; ESU 2; independent school billing March-May; $6,658.72; Egan Supply; vacuum bags; $14.07; ESU 3; payroll checks & Vision services for students; $546.93; Eagle Auto; Van 4 brakes, tires and oil change; $1,361.79; Enterprise Publishing; Legal and minutes; $249.40; ESU Coordinating Council; Security renewal; $50.00; Fairfield Inn; NCSA conference hotel rooms- 4 teachers; $1,044.65; Follett Content Solutions; HS 2nd semester order; $722.34; 5th Season; Grounds and sprinkler maintenance; $2,550.25; Follett School Solutions; Service renewal for library; $1,171.22; Getzchman Heating; GYM Repair on AC unit; $690.00; Hometown Leasing; Copier Lease; $1,810.93; Heartland Tires; bus 2020 tires; $1,006.84; Doug Hart; Reimburse mileage to Perkins meeting; $239.86; Harco Athletic; Recondition football helmets; $2,528.00; Knudsen's; Fuel for bus barn (filled tank 2x for end of year); $5,449.60; Shawna Koger; Reimburse mileage to Perkins meeting; $253.26; Dawn Klein; Reimburse for curtains for classroom; $95.95; Laerdal Medical Corporation; CPR Guides and pairs for CPR classes; $570.00; Macgill; Nurse supplies; $100.10; McKinnis; Roof Repair; $3,526.00; Menards; Maintenance & Classroom supplies; $305.95; Methodist Fremont Health; Bus Driver DOT physicals; $225.00; NCE Conference; Registration for new business teacher; $300.00; NCS Person; Psych materials; $185.52; Nebraska Ag Ed Assoc; Renewal membership for Agler; $300.00; NAEA; Professional Fess for Agler; $275.00; NASCD; Membership dues; $40.00; NCSA; Admin Days registration; $1,125.00; NCSA; NCSA conference registration; $900.00; One Source; Background checks; $24.00; OPPD; Electricity; $9,373.32; Omaha Truck; Bus repairs and parts for summer maintenance; $2,929.19; Platte Valley Equip; Mower blades and oil; 247.47; Paper 101; colored paper order for 24-25 school year; 1932.34; PayFlex; Monthly fee; $100.00; JW Pepper; percussion books for summer band; $137.94; Student Assurance Services; Premiums for student insurance; $1,132.50; Sterling Computers; Zonedirector Support Renewal; $1,671.87; Tamera Loftis; Accompanist for April & May; $1,240.00; Thermo King; Def for buses; $257.00; Total truck and Machine; Repair bus 2011 to get running again; $5,251.25; Unite Private; Internet Provider; $560.78; US Post Office; PO BX Renewal; $432.00; Village of Arlington; Water; $788.89; VISA; MISC Supplies for HS/ELEM; $1,882.40; Waste Connections; Trash; $ -; Wood River; Natural Gas Company; $2,961.27; West Omaha Winsupply; Parts for maintenance; 5.54; Total Payables (GF checks not mailed until approved by the BOE); $78,688.42; HANDPAYABLES (GF Paid and mailed after previous board meeting but before this board meeting); Learn to Move; PT services; $246.72; Casey's; Gas for Vans; $1,906.49; American Broadband; Phone services; $451.15; Knowbe4; security training (whole school) Subscription for tech; $5,132.60; JM Hospitality; Rooms for state FBLA; $500.00; Total Hand payables; $8,236.96; Total General Fund; $86,925.38; SPECIAL FUNDS (Building, Bond, QCPUF, Dep checks); BOKF National; Bond Intrest payment; $25,403.75; BOKF National; QCPUF Interest Payment; $2,011.25; Total Special Funds; $27,415.00; Hot Lunch Expenses; CWD (Cash-WA); April & May Invoices; $11,780.28; Bimbo's Bakery; $892.40; Hiland Dairy; $1,621.91; Jackson Services; $313.86; Sysco; April & May Invoices; $6,680.90; US Foods; $1,078.35; Hot Lunch Total; $22,367.70; ZNEZ AC 06-28-24